Monday, April 20, 2009


“No one can pass through life, any more than he can pass through a bit of country, without leaving tracks behind, and those tracks may often be helpful to those coming after him in finding their way.” Lord Baden Powell

Troop 777 had an Eagle Court of honor for Trevor this past Sunday. (Please note that I avoid last names in most of my blogs for security reasons.) I’m not as involved with Scouts as much as the past, but attend meetings and ceremonies occasionally. Eagle Ceremonies are quite an endeavor – as Trevor’s Dad said to me, “I can’t imagine there is any more work in a wedding”.

Trevor had an ambitious Eagle Project, building racks for the drum room at Pendleton High School. He is very involved in music – and will be studying music at Oregon State University this fall – Go Beavs. Congratulations to Trevor!!!!

I’d read a letter at the ceremony from Lord Baden Powell – which caused me to think a little more about happiness. I found the following notes from another source about Happiness:

Step 1 - We are our own creator for our own happiness. Happiness is the soul's joy and the possession of that which you cannot see but feel. Happiness is neither of the body nor the mind.

Step 2 - Happiness has a number of relatives such as gratification, satisfaction, contentment and pleasure. All of these are temporary. Gratitude is thankfulness within the heart.

Step 3 - Happiness is continuous. Happiness is like an orchestra where every instrument is part of the whole. It is true living. It is calm and peaceful. It never lives in an atmosphere of worry or struggle.

Step 4 - The basis of happiness is the love of something outside of self. The constant thing here is love. Love of parent, love for child, love of man and woman for each other, love of humanity in some form or a great passion for one's life's work. Happiness is the voice of optimism, of faith and of steadfast love.

Step 5 - No cynical person can be happy is evidenced by Prince Bismarck, one of the greatest statesmen of the 19th century. Eighty-three years of wealth, fame, honors, power, influence, prosperity and he has said, he has never known a 24-hour period where he has ever been happy in eighty-three years. He had a serious distrust of people.

Step 6 - Happiness comes from within and radiates out to others. Dedicate your life to some noble service to others and consecrate your life as such. An unselfish, kind and helpful person forgets himself sometimes to help others. When you consecrate yourself, it dignifies a humble life. It's a short cut to simplicity. It brings calmness and serenity to us. A step toward happiness is success. You rise above jealously, worry, pettiness and reside in a place of love.

Step 7 - The cure for unhappiness is to stay conscious. Stay alone with your consciousness then you can hear your Inner Voice's guidance and feel your steps. You will begin to know what real happiness is then. True happiness, outlives sorrow, and transmutes it to love. Give happiness not to yourself but to others. New strength each day should be your goal. Simple acts of kindness. Seek to radiate kindness and happiness to others. It nourishes your soul and cures your unhappiness.

Have a good Day!!!!!

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